We are a school community in which everyone can flourish. We care deeply about ensuring that all students experience a vibrant and fulfilling education which supports them in developing both their individual qualities and academic qualifications. We believe this can only be achieved through a student-centred culture which is dynamic, challenging and affirming.
We are a large and growing school which is a welcoming place where students are known and nurtured. Each student belongs to a house, a year group and a form group. Each year group has a Year Leader and a Pastoral Leader who are committed to ensure that students have an excellent experience at school.
To support young people in preparation for adult life we look well beyond examination results whilst having high expectations that all students should fulfil their academic potential. We therefore focus on developing the Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge (ASK) that grow confident and independently thinking young people who are ready to learn and embrace challenges and opportunities well beyond their time with us at school.
Our ASK framework clearly expresses our values in relation to the development of Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge. At Shenley Brook End, we are kind, we are respectful, and we work hard; each of these values is exemplified through ASK, in our attitudes, so students can focus on how to be kinder, more respectful and hard working to further enhance their chances of success both at school and beyond.
Our community looks out for each another and we value that kindness. We encourage kindness in our community through positive affirmation of this value. We want to discourage bullying like behaviour by encouraging kindness.
All members of our community understand that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, and we call out disrespect. By reciprocating negative behaviour or holding grudges we encourage each other to behave in a way that is not in the best interests of our community. We respect our physical environment. We respect members of our local community outside of school.
All members of our community work hard. Students work hard at school in skilfully planned and taught lessons. Students that work consistently hard are recognised and rewarded frequently. Students play an active role in their learning by cooperating with the rest of the class and communicating effectively.
Our skills framework is named TENSILE, a word which means ‘capable of being stretched’ and a way in which we challenge and support our students in developing the transferable skills required within and beyond school. These skills are Teamwork, Expression, Numeracy, Solving Problems, Independence, Literacy and Enquiry.
We provide a diverse range of educational experiences in a safe environment that encourages self-discipline, motivation and excellence. All of this is supported by the coherent learning journey provided from transition to Y7 all the way through to the Graduation Certificate in Y13. This blends personal development, extra-curricular opportunity and academic challenge so as to ensure that every student is well prepared for both their examinations and future success after their time with us at Shenley Brook End School.